
Discovering Mathematics 3 Set (TB, WB, TM)

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Discovering Mathematics (2nd Edition) is a series designed for the students in secondary schools and approved by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, for the latest secondary Mathematics syllabus. The series prepares students for the Singapore Cambridge O-Level examinations, and guides students to understand and internalise mathematical concepts and apply them in real-life.

The emphasis of this series is on empowering students to learn mathematics independently and effectively. Depending on the topics covered, different approaches are used to present different concepts to facilitate students’ understanding. 

This series includes clear and illustrative examples, class activities and diagrams to help students understand the concepts and apply them.

Key features:

  1. Chapter Opener
    Introduces a chapter by establishing a connection between topic and real world situations. Learning objectives for the chapter are also provided.
  2. Class Activities
    Allows students to learn mathematical concepts through exploration and discovery 
  3. Examples and Try it!
    Worked examples have been included to facilitate students’ understanding of concepts and show how ideas and reasoning can be expressed clearly in mathematical language. Analyses and hints are given to illustrate problem solving skills. After each worked example, a Try it! is provided for students to practise a similar question and find out if they have understood the concept(s) presented earlier.
  4. Exercises
    Each section of a chapter includes an exercise for the students. The questions in each exercise have been sequenced as Level 1, 2 and 3. These questions encourage students to think analytically, reason and communicate effectively in mathematical language.
    Level 1: Simple questions involving direct application of the concepts
    Level 2: More challenging questions on direct applications
    Level 3: Questions that involve real-life applications, thinking skills or presentation of open-ended answers
  5. Review Exercises
    A Review Exercise is inserted after several chapters. This allows students to check their mastery of the concepts that have been learnt.
  6. Problem-solving Processes and Heuristics
  7. Problems in Real-world Contexts
  8. In a Nutshell
    Summarises the important concepts in each chapter to help students recap and revise them.
  9. Write in Your Journal
    At the end of each chapter, students will be encouraged to write about their learning experience.
  10. Remark
    Some important information that is of interest to students has been included.
  11. Recall
    Concepts or definitions covered earlier have been included to help students recall and relate them to topics being studies.
  12. Discuss
    Questions concerning the concepts being taught have been included to encourage meaningful interaction between the teacher and the students.
  13. Spot Check
    Some short questions are posed to help students clarify the concept(s) being taught.


Workbook Key features:

  1. Questions
    The questions in each chapter are categorised into Level 1, 2 and 3 according to level of difficulty and thinking skills involved. These questions encourage students to think analytically, reason logically, use appropriate connections between mathematical ideas and apply problem-solving skills in daily life situations. 
    Level 1: Simple questions involving direct application of the concepts
    Level 2: More challenging questions on direct applications
    Level 3: Questions that involve real-life applications, thinking skills or presentation of open-ended answers
  2. Integrated Practices
    Test the students’ ability to apply concepts and techniques from various topics
  3. Specimen papers
    Better prepare students for the examinations


The Teacher’s Guide consists of:

  • Scheme of Work.  Assists with lesson planning by cross-referencing lesson obectives with relevant activities and resources
  • Notes on Teaching.  Suggested teaching approaches to each chapter and section.
  • Fully Worked Solutions.  Include both questions and detailed answers for all exercises in the textbooks.
  1. Maths Matter
    Interesting facts related to mathematics, mathematicians and history of mathematics, are presented to make the learning process more enriching.
    Weight 3000 kg

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