
Targeting Mathematics 6B Set (TB, WB, TM)

SKU: SPUB-TAR-06-SET-6B Category: Tags: , ,

Targeting Mathematics is a series of textbooks and workbooks written based on latest Primary Mathematics Syllabus by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.

This series supports the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach and learning experiences in the teaching of mathematics- making maths fun and relevant for children. Through their learning experiences, pupils can understand mathematical concepts effectively, acquire the skills for everyday use, build confidence and foster interest  in Mathematics.

Textbook Key Features

  1. Lets Talk About..
    Get pupils ready for the mathematical concepts that will be taught. Teachers will facilitate the discussion and get pupils to talk about the picture of video of it.
  2. See and Learn
    Introduce concepts in a visual manner to which students can relate. Pictorial representations provide pupils with a real-world connection from which they can further develop and understand the concepts on a abstract level.
  3. Let’s Recall
    Get pupils to revise what they have learnt before
  4. Maths in Real Life
    Allow pupils to see the relevance of mathematics in real life situations.
  5. Do and Learn
  6. Enable pupils to check their understanding of Mathematical concepts through doing exercises
  7. Hands-on Activity
    Encourage pupils to use manipulatives in activities to promote understanding of mathematical concepts.
  8. Self-Check
    Help pupils reflect and self-assess their learning.
  9. Pair and Share
    Provide opportunities for pupils to work in pairs to assess their learning.
  10. Show and Say
    Allow pupils to communicate and share what they have learnt with  their classmates.
  11. Let’s Think Along
  12. Encourage pupils to think and reason along as they attempt the activities or exercises.
  13. IT Activity
    Enable pupils to show what they have learnt or done using another platform.

Workbook Key Features

  1. Tear-out Format
  2. Revise
    Allows pupils to revise what they have learnt
  3. L1/2/3 Worksheets
    Level 1 worksheets assess pupils’ understanding of basic concepts and help them acquire necessary process skills
    Level 2 worksheets assess pupils’ understanding of moderately difficult concepts and help them acquire higher-order thinking skills
    Level 3 worksheets assess pupils’ understanding of concepts at a deeper level and encourage creative and critical thinking to solve non-routine, challenging mathematics problems
  4. Problem Solving
    These activities are designed to challenge pupils to be creative in solving problems
  5. Performance Task
    Serves as a form of alternative assessment for pupils to demonstrate their understanding of mathematical concepts and skills through hands-on approaches
  6. Math Journal
    Allows pupils to reflect on their learning
  7. Review
    Allow pupils to revise and consolidate mathematical concepts learnt

    Teacher’s Guide Key Features

    • A comprehensive lesson plan that consists of learning objectives, key concepts, thinking skills and model answers.
    • Wrap-around teacher’s guide provides teaching instructions, model answers, and teaching notes.
    • Scheme of Work assists with lesson planning by cross-referencing lesson objectives with relevant objectives and resources
    • Performance Task Rubrics allows teachers to assess pupils’ level of performance and give feedback.
    • Various exam-type questions for extra practice
    • Topical review mini tests for pupils to revise
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