This is composed of academic services including accreditation, advisor support, assessment, curriculum options (available at a separate fee) to choose from, and records support. Learn services are program-specific. There are five programs you can choose from, each one intentionally designed to help your children learn effectively.

HG family community groups (“Learn Groups”) clustered by program, advisor, and location or grade level, get together for collaborative experiences. We also have a thriving online community platform that serves as a resource portal and interactive channel for families from all over the world. Students may join a variety of clubs and engage in exciting events organized by High Unite, HG's high school organization.

Enjoy virtual and on-site events (resumption of on-site activities to be announced at a later date) where your children can showcase giftings, and celebrate milestones with your HG peers and the larger HG community.

A suite of seminars focused on equipping you to become the best Teacher/Facilitator for your child

While the pandemic has thrust us into a new normal, one thing that remains the same is that every child deserves quality education that will set them up to thrive in their purpose in the future. Our flexible and personalized education programs make homeschooling doable for you and your family. We understand that committing to homeschooling your children can be daunting: you’re not sure if you can sustain it on the daily, if you’re even qualified to teach, or if it would really work for your family. Our commitment to you in this partnership is to help you every step of the way—but ultimately, this will be your unique journey and we have no doubt that it will be worth it, as you see your children flourish into the best they can be as you guide them through their learning.

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